Monday, May 14, 2007

I have no idea why I like this picture, but I do. Maybe because its off center, a bit like me sometimes.
These are my baby grannies. Granny Smith apples that is.


AmyWhit said...

Off-center. You're probably right. It's called "the rule of thirds"! Of course, as soon as you learn all the "rules", you find out that rules are sometimes just made to be broken!

Nice shots! I like the first one best too!

Judy said...

I like the first one too.

Great lookin' apples too, hope the squirrels don't find em'.

TaraG said...

very nice! I love off centered shots! mmm...granny smiths, my fav!

oldav8r said...

Your garden shot is the best! And then there is Amy giving us the scoop. Who knew there was rules to photography? LOL

jamie said...

You are a little off center, but that is why I love you so much!!!!

Are ya really going to try to eat those apples??? I heard they are bitter.

Shelia said...

I'm definately eating the apples! They're my fave! Pooh's too! Pretty odd seeing as how she has such a sweet tooth!