I was standing in Bubba's room the other morning just glancing around. Actually I was picking up some dirty towels. LOL Anyway, while I looked around I thought to myself..every facet of his personality is displayed in this room. I didn't post all the pictures but here are a few. The pics missing are his gun rack army men and fishing gear.

Well that just goes without saying doesn't it?

His football side, perhaps one of his greatest loves in life. LOL Outside of fishing that is. He's pretty proud of that Rookie of the Year trophy.

This is his pirate cove. I like to think this shows his love of getting into mischief. He does it well you know.

The flag my cousin Bill bought for him. He's deployed to Iraq right now. Bubba has a very deep seeded love and respect for his country and military.

Of course there's the cowboy side. He hasn't been able to ride in quite a while and he misses it. This is what every little boy should be. OUTSIDE! Having fun with his friends, having adventures, chasing little girls with frogs or bugs, exploring and getting into mischief.
Ya gotta love those little men, and as well all know; they don't really change as they get older..they just have to buy bigger pants. All the
older little boys I know in Sheldon
still love exactly the same things that are on this post. LOL They still want a little space free from the girls, they love their sport, they all like to cowboy up from time to time,
still get into mischief and boy do they love a good day of fishin'! Yeah, they're pretty special. :-D