Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Harvest Youth...the ones I could get standing still anyway.

Yes, yes. I do look good!
Ride em' cowgirl!
Pastor throws for a long pass, all beit incomplete it was still a good attempt!
You want some of this? You mean my candy? Let me pray about that and get back with ya!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well, this picture is for Jeff and Jamie. Thought you might enjoy it. LOL
This is for my two favorite boys. Quite handsome don't cha think? Bubba says he can't wait until they're on the same NFL team together. ~grin~ Good friends are the best treasure you can find.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Well the season is over. The Raiders played a heck of a game tonight! They didn't win the championship this year but man, what a great group of boys! There were some tears at the end but its all a learning experience. Coming in second place for the county is a great accomplishment. Way to go Raiders! I'm proud of you! Especially our two Sheldon boys Jimmy and Bubba!
The first of many football trophies!
Geeze I love that kid! On a happy note, Eric and I have a 4 month hiatus until softball season! Woohoo!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Before.... and after. LOL Thought it was a cute sequence.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I thought this would make one heck of a jigsaw puzzle. LOL

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Colors of Fall

These pumpkins are HUGE! Ok, this is too sweet. Its also deceiving as crap!
Ahh my little man, after he peed in the pumpkin patch.
Now doesn't she look excited to be there?

Crown me Queen of the punkin heads!
This is one of my favorite times of year. Every year my mom, the kids and I pick out the best pumpkins we can find. I have a lot of "favorite" times of year though, I think its just doing something with the kids that I love. I pray they have loads of good memories stored up in their heads and hearts for later in life. Silly things are VERY important ya know! ~big smile~
Eric requested some Big "E" burgers for he and the girls on duty at station 41 a few weeks ago. They really liked them and couldn't believe how big they were. LOL This skinny little brat ate the entire thing without batting an eyelash! She runs everyday for exercise, I told her she better tack on a couple more miles for a while after eating that thing!
Of course I know Eric likes them. LOL
Jen had to burp a few times and make some room in her belly for more.
I love my firefighters and paramedics, but they sure can kill some cows!

Friday, October 12, 2007

This is what happens when a horsefly gets too close to a Princess! LOL

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Angels Among Us?

Hah! I think not! In our youth class we're doing a study on angels. I told the kids to pick someone and dress them the way they believe an angel looks. Its amazing the impact TV and movies have on our lives. Let me tell you, this is NOT how our Lord describes his angels. I think the kids were a bit surprised to learn what they really look like. I told them that in this case, truth is DEFINATELY stranger than fiction! Read this and see for yourself! Ezekiel 1:4-28 Interesting huh?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This is a special post for the LT. I've been a bit of a slacker lately on the blog and since this was started to give you some pictures of home these are for you! Last Saturday Bubba had a football game on Barker Field in Hilton Head. These oaks were just outside the fence and I LOVE them! They definately say Lowcountry. They remind me of the oaks out at old Sheldon Church. I can just imagine the indians walking through the woods hunting with their bow and arrows.
This lovely little guy has been hanging out under the Blankenship barn. We saw a lot of each other over the past couple weeks. So Jeff, enjoy a few pics from around home.