Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Angels Among Us?

Hah! I think not! In our youth class we're doing a study on angels. I told the kids to pick someone and dress them the way they believe an angel looks. Its amazing the impact TV and movies have on our lives. Let me tell you, this is NOT how our Lord describes his angels. I think the kids were a bit surprised to learn what they really look like. I told them that in this case, truth is DEFINATELY stranger than fiction! Read this and see for yourself! Ezekiel 1:4-28 Interesting huh?


Queen of Foo Foo said...

Hey Angels come in all kinds of different disguises. But that is a mighty cute one there!

Judy said...

Love is always best to know the never the verse too..thanks

Anonymous said...

Boy that is a good lesson---for everybody.