Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Semper Fi

Ok, ok, I realize we have more Army personnel in our little circle than we do Marines but thats alright. ;) I grew up in the Marine Corps so they are near and dear to my heart.

This is my girlfriend Rosy and a few of her guys. Thanks to some very dear friends and family members we were able to send them 23 lbs. of Girl Scout cookies! When I received the pic from Rosy I said...girl, you and the guy on the left look like you're in pain! LOL Send me one of you actually smiling! She is currently deployed to Iraq and hopes to be home next spring. To have fun when she's off duty she umpires for PALS. Shelby and I miss her terribly as she always made great calls during games...even if they weren't in our favor! LOL

Funny how a little box of cookies can make someone far from home smile ya know? This picture is a great reminder of the sacrifice our military is making for us on a daily basis. When is the last time a box of cookies made you sooo excited?

I'm currently putting together another box to send them so if you have a letter or anything you'd like to send to a Marine just get it to me and I'll send it along.

I understand we'll be welcoming home one of our heroes pretty soon! :D Great job LT! More proud than you know bud!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

That's my baby

You all know Shelby loves her softball. I'm proud to say she's coming even further with her catching. She always gives her team 100%. What mom/coach could ask for more than that?