This is my girlfriend Rosy and a few of her guys. Thanks to some very dear friends and family members we were able to send them 23 lbs. of Girl Scout cookies! When I received the pic from Rosy I said...girl, you and the guy on the left look like you're in pain! LOL Send me one of you actually smiling!

Funny how a little box of cookies can make someone far from home smile ya know? This picture is a great reminder of the sacrifice our military is making for us on a daily basis. When is the last time a box of cookies made you sooo excited?
I'm currently putting together another box to send them so if you have a letter or anything you'd like to send to a Marine just get it to me and I'll send it along.
I understand we'll be welcoming home one of our heroes pretty soon! :D Great job LT! More proud than you know bud!
Thanks Shelia! Only a week or two and I'll be home. Fire up the grill!!
We'll all have a big time Jeff! The grills ready! LOL
Glad to be a small part of such a wonderful effort. Brave and wonderful Marines need cookies too.
Shelia, I love it that you have sent the Girl Scout Cookies, I know they were a treat. Talk to me about the funds I have available for Troop Treats through the church.
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