Saturday night was card night at the fire house. Here we have our 1st place participant with his winnings. A certain commissioner seems to feel it was rigged. LOL I say, there have to be some type of tiny perks that come with being married to the head of the Ladies Auxiliary! ~smiles~ How do ya like that smirk? Yep, he's rotten!
Now here...our lovely model displays a fine deck of cards. He had to get some thrill out of the night, he was the first one out of the game! LOL

Ahh yes, and here he is proudly displaying the pink dealer's button. Give him a hand ladies, our lovely model! Amy these are for you. LOL
LOL! Lovely model, indeed! Look out Vanna White...your job is in danger, honey! I'll have to send Bill a link to your blog.
Well now who knew Eric was a card shark, or is he just a poser?
And I guess the model is Amy's heartthrob!!! WhoHoo!
LMAO! The "heart throb" is Amy's little brother!
You can't see Riley in that smirk?
omg! That's just hilarious, Ms. Jan. That's my "little" brother, Bill. The one that everyone says Riley looks like. (The ones that knew Bill when he was Riley's age, i.e. Judy, Jamie, etc.) I always say that Riley looks like Bill and acts like Adam (did!). LOL. The Shouse boys were little hellions back in the day. It must have been the constant pressure to live up to their angelic older sister that made them rebel. LOL
duh! I'm not used to mom having an account and I commented using her account above. I'm going to have to pay closer attention now!
Too funny!!! I love the pink dealer's chip!!! This wasn't strip poker was it??? LOL.
How the heck is Bill always so dang tan??? I have always wondered that!! Oh yeah, you guys live on the southern coast.. I forget living in the frigid NORTH!! It was a whole 57 degrees today.
I'd say they both are very handsome and I'm sure this must have been the first time they ever played poker (rrighttt!!!)
Amy's right looks like Bill, acts like Adam..but I was sure there was only one sister..who is this "angelic" one?? *smile*
O.K. woops on the heartthrob, I forgot he worked there!
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