This is Great Grandma Ada and Great Grandpa Frank.

I've never watched someone I love so much slip away bit by bit. As much as I love her, as much as I don't want her to hurt...I'm not ready to let go. Time is so precious, and so short and so very fleeting. I was talking to a dear friend the other day. She was telling me that her daughter still wants to climb into her lap and for her to make everything better. ~smiles~I know the feeling, because all I want to do is crawl up in Grandma's lap and smell the lotion on her soft hands as she wraps her arms around me. It's the safest place in the world to be. Ya'll will have to forgive me this one post, I've had so much going on lately I feel on emotional overload and don't have a great venue of ways to get rid of it, so the blog is it. It has taken more than an hour to write this post! LOL Well I think I've clouded my eyes enough for one night. I promise a much cheerier blog tomorrow!

Awww! What a sweet story!! I think we all have our heroes!! No matter if you are 6, or 26, or 76!! I wish I could give you a hug!!! There is nothing like a safe place!
You girls are killin me! What in the world is it a full moon or what?? (did you read Judy T's blog and then the comments?) I'm the older Mom who wants to fix everything ya know!
Ok, Ok, I have a big yard ya'll all come over we'll cut the kids loose and we'll each eat the serving size ben & jerry's Ice cream and I'll have lots a tissues and we can just all sit down and cry!!! I'll take turn holding each of you in my lap for a few minutes. I'll hire a life guard and we'll come in and lock the door and you can watch TV or sleep or whatever you need. There now dose that help????
LOL! Yeah that helps!
You made me cry, that was so touching, she must be an amazing lady!!
Shelia, I too have had the same feelings. It's hard to deal with an emotional overload---just go ahead and cry. I still feel that way about my Dad. He was always a big strong man and by the end he just seemed so small and week. Girl I feel for you. Just know it is not over permanently!
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