Well girls, today was interesting. So interesting in fact, I had to pull over in downtown Charleston and have a complete and total meltdown. First off, Catie will be alright. She will definately be having surgery involving some yucky stuff and bone grafting. I am more at peace with it now, knowing for certain that this is NOT a cancerous tumor. I cannot express in words how thankful I am for the prayers she has received. We don't know exactly the day, but she will be having her surgery very soon. The surgeon wants us to be incredibly careful with her arm due to her having almost paper thin bone. All I can think is, well great, this will be the time she ends up breaking the darn thing! All the mom's know this is true! Murphy's law! He said absolutely no cheerleading until after surgery. Oh yeah, thats gonna go over well. Like the Hindenberg! We don't know if physical therapy will be involved yet, we'll be finding out very soon! Driving out of Charleston I wanted to get the day off my mind a bit. So Pooh and I stopped for dinner in honor of our misplaced buds. It's been an incredibly long day and this helped me relax a bit. So Jame, these are for you. I wish you could have been with us.
Don't take Catie with you if you want to eat your onion ring! Little brat!

We finished the day with a stop in the 'boro. Everyone on this blog knows this place I'm sure. Pooh deserved an ice cream, and enjoyed every bit of it.

Her big sister in the background was enjoying her chocolate shake!

Her t-shirt says Carolina Princess...Shelby told her it SHOULD say "Carolina Dictator" LMAO!
Praise God you finally got some definate answers. Now I guess we shift gears and pray for the doctors and sucessful surgery. Pooh sure looks like she hasn't a care in the world!
Thank you God! Happy tears are flowing..I am so relieved that something is happening...Can't have our Pooh Bear hurting..I'm glad she is six and has no worries..except how the eat that ice cream and ding SLS when she's not looking for that remark!!Don't hit her with your hurt arm Catie!
Oh girl, Thank God!! He sure listens to every one of our prayers. I can tell ya, a lot went up for her in this house!!
I can't believe that you took pictures of Bessingers though!!! LMAO!! You are crazy! That makes me want to hop on a plane right now!! MMMM!!!
Oh, Emily has that same Carolina Princess shirt!! She LOVES it!!
Thanks for the Bessingers shot!!
Ooohh yummy!! I love both of thses spots...I remember goinng to Dairy Land as a child b/c we lived in Walterboro for a while. So glad you got good news, the power of prayer!!!
Prayers of thanksgiving are in order. I'm so glad to hear that you are more at peace with things and have gotten some good news. She is young and resilient. She will come through that surgery and be back to her normal self in no time. Kids are like that. What knocks us on our behinds, barely phases them.
As for you, mom, I believe that you have been stronger than I would have been. I'm pretty sure I would have been a basket case had I been in your shoes.
Regarding Bessinger's: They have the best dang onion rings in the WORLD! Yummy!
Don't you just love my spelling, I'm surpised Amy has not busted me yet!!!
GOD is so good! Love the picture of Caterine & the ice cream. I Love
Bessinger's BBQ. If I go to Charleston I try to eat there or bring it home for dinner.
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