Thursday, March 15, 2007

I would like to introduce all of you to my Grandma. Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Eubank, the most amazing woman on this planet. I think most of the people I know here have always lived close to their family. Growing up in the marine corps we did not. Seeing my Grandparents was always like Christmas no matter what time of year it was. Grandma taught me how to sew, how to grow vegetables, and how to love a child. And man! NOBODY could cut a fresh watermelon into triangles like she could! Her little hands shake so badly now she can hardly hold a knife. Thats ok though, Grandpa does it for her. ~big smiles~ She is truly one of God's treasures.
These are pictures of me with her. The top one was taken in Stafford, VA. Jamie has been there and met them. The second was actually taken on Laurel Bay when my Dad was stationed here.
I know the pics are old, but gosh ya'll...she is the most special woman in the world. Oh yeah, ya gotta love the fashion statements I was making! LOL


Judy said...

Honey Girl... the only fashion statement you were making was that of wonderful memories! They never never go out of style. I think you are a lot like how you described her! See it rubs off! I love my Nanny too. I have a wealth of stories, you've heard most of them, but boy did she have this life thing down. If only......

oldav8r said...

Shelia, I think the memories we treasure the most are with our granparents. We were like you, miles apart and each visit was just the greatest. I lived with my grandma till I was about 7, then my parents moved us to Michigan. Every summer we would vacation south and it was all that was important to me. It was especially great when we could spend the whole summer---but that ment my Dad had to make the trip twice. He didn't seem to mind. I loved summer vacation!

AmyWhit said...

Where would I have seen these pictures before? Church, maybe? I know I have seen them though. Shelby looks like you as a kid. I know these pictures must be very dear to you. You're a know that's why we do what we do! Now we just need to talk all these bloggers into scrapping their pics! (when we can find the time, that is!)

jamie said...

My first thought.... Oh my SHELBY!?!

Your grandma and grandpa are sooo sweet. They made us feel right at home. And I could tell that the kids could do whatever they pleased there. It must be a grandparent thing. I enjoyed my visit with them.

Heather said...

I have great memories of both of my grandmothers. Nanny Harris and Nanny Corley. Both are my Gaurdian Angels now. I remember the feel of each of their hands holding mine. Sometimes I will come across someone in my Nursing who have "their hands" and I feel that they are near me.

Don't mind the dress in the first picture---I had a long dress I wore when I was 5 or 6 and felt like the Queen! It was a dress made to look like a patchwork quilt.