Ok, its official. Today, March 7, 2007 I am the Mom of a teenager. How did that happen? I thought I just brought her home from Beaufort Memorial like a year ago. Eighth grade? WHAT?! That can't be right! Last month she was putting on her little black and red uniform and heading off to kindergarten at Broad River!
When I look at Christina I see so much of God's grace. I realize that we all see it in our children, they are such blessings. God's miracles that have been bestowed on her amaze me, even today. I think everyone knows that she was burned as an infant. At 7 1/2 months old she was burned on 21% of her body. When you're that small, thats an incredible amount of surface area to be hurting. She had first, second and two places of third degree. When Eric and I arrived at Memorial Medical after she was taken by Life Flight all I could hear running down the hall were screams and then shivering moans. I never knew my heart could break in such a way, but it did. By midnight, her fingernails had lifted off of their nailbed, her face was so swollen she was unable to open her eyes, her team of surgeons were discussing weather or not they could save her right ear, and she was on a constant morphine drip.
Two weeks of hydrotherapy, tears, prayers and lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles later...we took her home. Still bandaged, still hurting, but home.
The miracle?? Well, for one, she was alive. The day before we left to bring her home, her surgeons told us they had NEVER seen a child heal as quickly and as well as she had. She arrived in critical condition and left two weeks later. You would never know that her face, both arms, chest, back, hands and leg were so terribly burned. God healed her magnificently.
Thank you Jesus for letting us keep her. I praise you God for all you have done and all you will do in her life.
My first baby, my Christina, my teenager.
My first baby, my Christina, my teenager.
I know JuJu, I have 5 years.
Happy Birthday, Christina! What a wonderful testimony she has! God is good.
She is a precious girl, a gift from God. Sometimes things happen that seems really bad but God can use those trials to make us "sweeter" people. Myrrh is a spice that was very prescious in Jesus' day. It was given as a gift from a King when he was born, (As He was given as our sweet gift)Myrrh had be be crushed in order to release it's sweet oder, the more it is cruched the swetter it smells. That's why our Christina is such a sweet child, her ordel has made her compassionate and mild mannered and sweet . Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Shelia & Eric use them wisely!
Happy Birthday, Christina!!
As I wipe the tears from my eyes, I am also swept with great pride and love for you guys! She is beautiful inside and out. As Amy said, God is good!
Happy Birthday Christina, now you are a lady! I'm so very proud to know such a strong and lovely spirit. God Bless and I wish you lots of fun on your birthday.
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