My two girlfriends Jamie and Amy (try talking to them at the same time without tripping on your tongue!) put me up to a photoblog challenge. Now really, who am I to dismiss such a challenge? So I will start with a pic I took in my front yard of a little friend.
*waves to Jamie & Amy
Yay! Glad you decided to join in on the challenge! I hope you will enjoy it. Can't wait to see the pics you come up with! Who knows...maybe we'll run into one another when we're out and about with our cameras! After all, Beaufort is not that big!
Is that spider still living in your yard? Because I do not think I could allow him to be my neighbor! EEK!
Hooray!!! It has been so much fun this week looking at things so differently. You know I miss home so get some good pictures for me!!! Someone for goodness sake needs to take a picture of Magnolia's for me!!! Just so that my mouth can water!! mmmm...chicken salad sandwich, and some good ol pecan pie a la mode!!! By the way Love your spider!!! We don't see much of those around these parts.
Yes Amy, she is still with us. The thing you can't see in the pic are the dozens of tiny babies she has on the web with her. I have a yard full of them every spring and summer! Jamie, I will be on a mission tomorrow to get a pic of Magnolia's for you! Darn! Your mom and I may have to sacrifice ourselves and have lunch there! But it's all for the cause!
Hi Shelia, just found out about the blogs, I love it. I had to create on for myself before they would let me post a comment. Check out oldav8rswife at blogspot.com. I guess I'll start a site for my family and friends too. Jan
Hi Jan! Yay! I'll check it out!
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