I remember the day he joined the army, I was so proud. He made my heart swell with pride. He stayed in as long as he could, until they found his degenerative bone disease that is chipping away at his back. ~sighs~ no more tanks for him. Thats alright though, he is 2 hours from me and I can visit anytime I like. I wouldn't have him any other way, though if he tries to sit on me now my children would be orphans! LOL I love my big bubba dearly.
P.S. Yes somehow I received the recessive height gene! LOL
Yep, I would say you missed the height gene. And, who on earth would hold their sister down and spit and let it hang and almost hit their face and then suck it back up, and then let it hit them??? I wouldn't know anything about that, Do you LT????????? Or even having his friends hold the sister down and him torturing her???
HMMMMMMM, kinda brings back GROSS memories!!
Good picture though. And if he wants to look dignified, then so be it. I think he's a little too big to disagree with him!!!! :)
Do you mean to tell me you went through the same torture??? I'm shocked!! I can't believe LT would do something so terrible!! You know Jamie, its isn't too late for payback! LOL
I'll hold him down!!! Actually I'll keep him to myself for a few days and nights and then you can have him. I never had a brother, only 2 wonderful sisters, now three adding Mamie. Somehow I don't think I would have survived the spitting thing! :D
Oh yes you would, Heather, and live to tell about it. That's the worse part. I had Three, yes count them, 1,2,3. I've been hung in a tree by my ankle, shot with a BB gun, lassoed more times than I can remember, had a half of water melon smashed down on my head (momma got in on this one because food was involed haha), and I heard a whirling wushing sound coming up behind me to turn and see a golf club flying through the air behind me just in time to duck it hit the house and broke some shingls off. (daddy got invloved in this one!)
But alas they love me...but I could go on...there was the time...
I can certainly see what you mean about the height discrepancy! Just how tall is your brother?! I just had younger brothers...so no spitting went on. However, they were little hellions in their own right. Throwing rocks through my playhouse windows, etc. I even had my own golf club swinging experience, Ms. Judy! Oh...and there was the encounter with an axe. Sheesh! I was lucky to have survived! Glad the boys have settled down a bit!
I feel like the guy in that commercial about the lady blocking the gangsters from her TV.
hahaha....I do not recall that incident.
mmhmm, suure LT. Afraid of some payback are ya?? LOL Get em' Jamie!
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