Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hey everyone, sorry I've been missing my posts the past couple of days. I was sick all day Friday and most of the night, and today we had a big youth praise concert at church. I've been going since 7 and am a little tired. I'm cheating and posting an old pic! LOL This little "caterpitter" as Pooh says, thought my apple blossoms were very tasty. I gently explained to the pitter that this was unacceptable and moved him to the nearest pecan tree! LOL Love you all!


AmyWhit said...

Cool capture, Shelia. By the look of Ms. Jan's blog, the concert was a success. Looks like you had a good number of kids to show up!!

oldav8r said...

Shelia, love the pic---it's amazing what is beautiful when you blow it up and take a minute to look. God's gifts are abundant if we only appreciate them!

Judy said...

Hey, The Caterpillar is great! We just got a new one too! Ha!

jamie said...

Cool, I can't wait for the critters to start coming out up here. Everything is just starting to thaw out. They should be out soon!!