Monday, April 9, 2007

Yeah I know....more flowers

I know we've all posted flower pics. Ahh well, I love them. So here are a few more. Christina took the last picture, I really like it. It was before everything started blooming really well.


jamie said...

Ahhh, my favorites, Gerber daisy's !!!! I don't get to see them too often.. They are awfully purty!!!! Tell CJ to start blogging!!! We'd love to see her take on things... but, it would probably be mostly horses right??

Shelia said...

More than likely Jame. She actually started a blog and can't remember the name of it! LOL Thats my girl! Shelby wants to start one as well. She's been shooting with my camera whenever I put it down.

Judy said...

Like I told ASW, never, never, never ever, ever, get tired of flowers.

Nice pics.

Tell CJ I have two willing subjects, for an apple each that is!

AmyWhit said...

Beautiful flowers, Shelia. It would be cool to add your girls' blogs to our blog circle. Tell them to get right on that and then send us all links!