Saturday, April 21, 2007

My heart hurts

The guy with the Abrams looks a little familiar least the hat does!

it does, it hurts, its heavy and my insides are shaky. I've gone to the Blue Angels airshows since I was a baby. My Dad was an M.P. and was the Provost Marshall so we were always at an air show. I love our military so much, I always cry when the jets fly over and I can feel their thunder in my chest. Not sad tears, tears of pride. We were watching them today, the maneuvers were done, they were circling back around to land. You know how two of them always sneak up behind you and scare the wits out of you. Well, I always turn to watch them(I know their little tricks). LOL So I turned, and saw the #6 jet skim the treetops, then he was gone...what sounded like an enormous cannon...and then the smoke. My children grabbed my arms and hands, whatever they could reach and squeezed. We prayed, but I can't help but feel that my prayer was kind of a hopeless one, like I knew he wasn't walking away from it. Not a good prayer, I know.

I have to tell you two things that happened with Bubba. He was putting jewels in his crown today. He was very upset as we all were, but said, "mom i need to help the marines. I want to help, what can I do?" through his crying eyes. Before I could say anything he said, " I know, I know what I can do!" He started running around, picking up EVERY single piece of trash he could find and put in the trash can. He knew the marines would have to do it and he knew they would be upset about the crash and didn't want them to worry about it.

The second is this. There is a great deal of anger but also pride I have with this one. Bear with me! The air station erected an orange barrier fence like they always do to keep people off the tarmac. You know, that really important place where all the emergency vehicles go when responding to...oh i don't know...a plane crash!!! Right after the Angel went down the emergency crews went flying down the runway to the crash site, the MUSC helo took off and some official's vehicles went flying by as well. Upon seeing this some of the "stupid civilians"took it upon themselves to LAY DOWN the barrier fence panels and walk their happy little butts back to their vehicles!!! Are you kidding me?!?! Have you lost your mind?? I don't know maybe I was raw from witnessing what had just happened, but I lost my know what. My son, that witness, that warrior for Christ brushed my hand, never said a word, never even looked up at me. He quietly and with a purposeful stride walked over to the fence panels (4 of them) and while the people walked over them, began righting them. He picked up and righted every single metal framed panel so noone could pass where they weren't supposed to go. As I watched in amazment I saw a very well dressed man with a huge camera around his neck approaching my son. I don't know why, but God gave me a total peace, as I watched. I saw this very well dressed man yell at my son, "boy! you lay that fence back down so I can walk through!"

My son...never said a word...looked him in the eye...placed his hand on the fence...and never laid it down. The man left another way. I cannot express with words the pride I feel for my son.

I did take some pictures during the day and they are all smiles. I'd like you to see them. I apologize for the length of the post but I needed to release it.


kitty said...

Sis, I can't express how proud I am of how well Bubba handled himself today. Such strength in character! And, I know that comes from having the loving parents that he has. What an inspiration he and all of you are to the rest of us, especially me. I love you all so much, with such deep and abiding respect.

May God be with that pilot's family and friends and with all of the spectator's present tday.

Finally, may God be with each of you today, may He place His arms around each of you and bring you peace of heart.

I love you very much and I am here for you if you need to cry, or talk.



AmyWhit said...

You have every reason to be proud of Eric. What an upstanding little man he was. I wish the jerk with the big camera would have tripped and fallen flat on his lens...heck, I might have even tripped him myself had I been there! LOL.

My prayers are also with the fallen and his family. Such a senseless tragedy.

oldav8r said...

What great character our little Eric has developed. He is the witness tool every adult needs to have around. I'm so very proud to know your son. God blesses those who listen and obey. I sure hope Eric's action had some affect on the guy with the camera!

jamie said...

Wow!!! What a man!! It is amazing how they handle themselves at even 8 years old!! I can't imagine standing there while this happened. Our thoughts and prayers go out to this pilot and his family. And to you guys who were standing and watching, and to the search and rescue crew.

Judy said...

So proud! Some people are so rude and only concerned with self. Our little man is standing heads above them all.

Sandy said...

I know what you mean about the Blue Angels pilot..... He went down in my neighborhood.. My heart hurts for his family and friends.