Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Now really...was it that much further to actually go inside the bathroom and do this?! Boys!!


jamie said...

Somehow, this looks so familiar!!! Wonder why!!! Jacob will be inside and actually go outside in our neighborhood to do this!! And we have people all around us!!! Marking their territory I guess!!

So, I have to ask, how did that birthday cake taste??? Any better than last year???LOL!!

Thanks so much for tonight!! That was really powerful!! There is nothing like GOOD Christian friends!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just got to air it out!!!

Queen of Foo Foo said...

NEWS FLASH SHEILA Miles is 22 and still goes outside to use the bathroom! His Dad does the same thing. Thank goodness we live in the country! I'm not sure what Miles did in Charlotte??

Judy said...

Lord those boys...it's that nature calling thing I guess..

Love it!

Nancy S. said...

I've seen this before. I guess boys will be boys. Hope Little Eric doesn't see this.

Nancy S. said...

at least he isn't mooning the neighbors while he's taking care of his business! LOL. Hayden lets it all hang out when he goes outside...which is actually quite often.

Brewton Girl said...

Too funny! Hey at least you only have 1 peeing un your yard. I've got 3!