I'm guessing they are playing on one of the county teams. Mile's played for the Cougars. Good Luck Bubba!!
We all seem to be spending alot of time at the football field lately! I love that his jersey says Bubba! Go get em Bubba!
Jacob said WHOA!!! He said he could take that big boy out!!He likes little E's helmet!! He can't wait to see his game jersy! And Em can't wait to see Pooh's cheer practices!!
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I'm guessing they are playing on one of the county teams. Mile's played for the Cougars. Good Luck Bubba!!
We all seem to be spending alot of time at the football field lately! I love that his jersey says Bubba! Go get em Bubba!
Jacob said WHOA!!! He said he could take that big boy out!!
He likes little E's helmet!! He can't wait to see his game jersy!
And Em can't wait to see Pooh's cheer practices!!
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