Monday, August 13, 2007


Yes, this is relaxing to me. Doing something silly with my babies! We have a great time doing stuff like this, and its cheap too! LOL The bottom pic is the Q siren I posted a couple weeks ago. I forgot to put up the big picture! Better late than never I guess.


Queen of Foo Foo said...

Work for Mom play for the kids. looks like ya'll had fun.

Anonymous said...

Anything that you can do with the kids just seems to turn into fun. Were you actually mowing too?

Anonymous said...

Just enlarged the pic, yep Mom is really mowing. Like Bubbas hand sign too!

AmyWhit said...

lol. This brings back memories. we used to sit/stand on cardboard, etc. and "ski" behind the four-wheeler when we were kids. It's a wonder we didn't kill ourselves or each other. The worst of it was a broken leg for Adam, but he mended just fine.

Riley and Bailey like to pull their wagons behind their 4-wheelers, but I've put a stop to that for Riley. They end up watching the wagon behind them instead of watching where they're going. I'm just a big meanie to hear him tell it. Oh well, I can live with that!

Brewton Girl said...

What fun!! Bret comes home from your house wanting to ride lawn mowers!

Judy said...

What fun! and what better way to work through a chore than making it fun??

I love to cut grass too. It is relaxing..